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let us enter "* * * *" in shedule for parity


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i would like to run parity every 3 or 4 months. I selected the according motnhs, but it seems like parity startet every day in the selected months Oo (if its possible with the current options, maybe someone could help me out. Anyway my suggestion is still valid because it gives the most posibilitys for custom cronjobs.


Wouldnt it be easier if we could choose the standard cron entry like * * * * (what ever) when selecting custom?

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It is a matter of setting up correctly. The example below starts a parity check on the last Friday of the month, every 4 months.

Change to "First week" if you want the first friday of the month instead.



Past has shown that most users have no clue how to make a correct cron entry and 9 out of 10 do it wrong! No, it is not easier.

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