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Missing dockers after cache disk replacement


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I was able to successfully replace my cache disk with a larger SSD. I followed the instructions from the wiki. I see the docker.img file on the cache drive but there are no dockers on the docker page. I still have my old cache disk, mounted. 


How can I restore my old dockers? Do I need to reinstall them all? I thought that they will transfer automatically, like the VM did.







By the way, the new and the old docker images are the same size.

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Just so that I understand, after disabling the service, I will manually delete the docker image? What do you mean by "recreate your docker image"? When I added the new SSD, the docker image was "added" to it by system. I did not manually copy it.


Thank you very much,



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Thank you very much. I am reinstalling the dockers now. I think that maybe the steps that you outlined above for reinstalling the dockers should be added to the wiki on upgrading the cache disk. I would not have known to do that.


Again, thank you very much for the help!



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