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Deleting from Cache Deletes from Share


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I have been moving files from my user/appdata/sabnzbd/downloads/completed folder into my media/TV Shows/Show_Name/Season X folders. Apparently these same folders Media/TV_Shows/Show_name/Season x are replicated on the cache drive and if I delete them the user share version is deleted as well.


I am using Krusader for tho move process. I am a bit confused and must be doing something wrong but I don't know what. (FYI I set up SAB, sonarr and the cache by watching Gridrunner/Space Invaders Youtube videos)


Any ideas would be appreciated.

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The user shares are simply the aggregate of all top level folders on array and cache with the same name. Notice I said cache and array. The cache drive is part of the user shares, just like disk1, disk2, etc. It has always been like that, and in fact, that is what you would expect since you don't have to be concerned with what files are on which disk when you are accessing user shares. A cached user share will have files on cache until they are moved, but while they are on cache they are still part of the user share. All this is pretty fundamental to unRAID user shares.


You must NEVER mix disks and user shares when moving or copying files, unless you fully understand how a particular disk path will be translated into a user share path and vice versa. If you move or copy a file from a disk to a user share or vice versa, you could wind up overwriting a file with an empty file before it can be read to be copied. See here if you want to get deeper into the details:




And of course, as you have noted, if you delete something from cache you have deleted it from the user share.


Please consider what I have said and ask if you need further explanation.

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23 minutes ago, Polhub said:

I have been moving files from my user/appdata/sabnzbd/downloads/completed folder into my media/TV Shows/Show_Name/Season X folders. Apparently these same folders Media/TV_Shows/Show_name/Season x are replicated on the cache drive and if I delete them the user share version is deleted as well.

So, taking what I said above, here is what is happening. The files aren't replicated on cache. You are moving them to a cached user share, so they get put on cache where they will be moved to the array later.

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A point that may not be obvious regarding User Shares are that if placed on the Cache in a folder corresponding to a User Share name then the files will show up as part of the User Share even if the Use Cache setting for the share is set to ‘No’.   However in such a case the files will not be moved to the array by mover as it ignores any folders corresponding to shares which have Use Cache set to No.


This is intentional behavior for some Use Cases where users want specific files in a share to always remain on the cache disk with the remainder on the array.   However some users do not realise this can happen and manage to get files apparently ‘stuck’ on the cache as a result.

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