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Shot in the dark


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I know, I know....

This issue is all my fault, but I want to get beyond that.

During hurricane Florence, I was in Charlotte NC waiting for the rain to stop, when the power cut off and returned (about) 3 times in rapid succession.

I have an HP Prolient server with an older version of software ) I can't tell which because I can't see it anymore, (and I don't think I can get to any of the logs) and I was running Plex and Sonarr.

Anyway, now I can network into the flash drive, but nothing else, and I don't get any screen when I boot up the server directly. The monitor works,  I plugged one of my other computers into it to check, so network works but video doesn't seem to. I am going to try and add a video card to see if that helps, but if it doesn't, can I switch out the motherboard keeping the flash and the drives and essentially replicate the system? I don't really want to lose the 12TB of material on the drives, though I know it is something that may happen.


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do you get any signal to a monitor during post??? if so try switching to backup bios.


if not, you can try  tossing in a video card (as you mentioned) which you'll have to set as primary video device to rule out the onboard vga getting borked. unless hp is smart enough to determine the onboard vga is bad and default to the gpu... but don't bet on it.



if you have to switch out the motherboard, just swap over components, usb/etc and it will be not affect access to data unless the data is already corrupted.



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