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Up-to-date Plex docker install help needed

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OK, I see what you are talking about. I've never looked at it in the way you are currently since nobody has ever reported it that way. Everything looks normal to me.


Here is the line from df.txt in your diagnostics system folder:

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop2       20G  515M   18G   3% /var/lib/docker

And here is an excerpt from syslog showing mounting of the docker image vdisk:

May  6 10:16:03 Floater emhttpd: shcmd (281): /usr/local/sbin/mount_image '/mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img' /var/lib/docker 20
May  6 10:16:03 Floater kernel: BTRFS: device fsid 79511e36-94bd-41bd-8672-2b87b831d708 devid 1 transid 322886 /dev/loop2
May  6 10:16:03 Floater kernel: BTRFS info (device loop2): disk space caching is enabled
May  6 10:16:03 Floater kernel: BTRFS info (device loop2): has skinny extents
May  6 10:16:03 Floater root: Resize '/var/lib/docker' of 'max'
May  6 10:16:03 Floater kernel: BTRFS info (device loop2): new size for /dev/loop2 is 21474836480

Looks like just different ways of reporting the 20G


20 GiB =  21.4748 GB


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Hmmm...that is interesting. I see exactly what you mean.


I first noticed this the other day in the following way. As I would load my .mkv files, I would see the cache fill up. Occasionally I would bump into a write space problem so I would manually fire Mover (probably something there I need to fix). I got used to watching the Used/Free space of the Cache. It was typically <5GB steady state.


Then, while moving disks around I hit the problem of cloned UUID's which caused a mounting problem, eventually causing the Cache pool to fail to mount. I wiped the still connected disks sitting in unassigned, clearing the UUID and that issue away. Restarted the server, and then I noticed the Cache sitting at 25.8GB Used! 


I don't have all of the forensic evidence, but something changed in the reporting [around] when the Cache pool did not mount correctly.


Hence this thread and very informative discussion. Could be, most likely, the docker.img has been 20GB (21.5GB depending on math) this entire time but it was not being shown as used in the Main screen Cache pool....until now.


Guess all is copacetic after all. Further thoughts welcomed.




P.S. Thanks to this I'm likely going to take the red pill and swap my server architecture around... :) 

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