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wake up server at specific time?


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I've been trying to find something to wake up the server at a specific time, but all I found so far was WOL and BIOS level stuff, both which won't work in my case. Any plugins or hidden system settings to accomplish this?


Why: My headless backup server is located in my neighbor's basement connected to my network via wifi bridge (so WOL won't work right?) And I have a habit of messing around with backup settings and timing and don't want to big him or pull the server out every time I want to change/test something. Ideally would be able to just log in to the interface, change a setting, and log out... 






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ahhh. ok that makes sense. Do you know if WOL magic packets will work over a bridged wifi connection (I've read they won't but that might be old news)? I haven't bought my second router yet for bridge so haven't been able to test. thanks.

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