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Plugins for checksum and erase drives?


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Hi there, one of my drive showed increasing signs of read errors, so I am RMAing it.

I have rebuilt the drive, and wanted to independently make sure before I dispose that all the data has been rebuilt correctly, I can use a windows app called checksum compare, but was wondering if there is also an unraid app with the same functionality.

Once that's done I want to erase the drive after with multiple pass tools like eraser, is there an app with similar functionality in the unraid ecosystem already?

Thanks for any suggestions


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1 hour ago, gfjardim said:

1) For checksums we have this plugin: 



2) For erase, you can use this: 


1) sadly my disks are ReiserFS...

2) I have preclear already, does it have these Eraser's features?


I heard that the most crack proof is DoD 5220.22-M(ECE), which is seven pass overwriting algorithm: first, fourth and fifth pass with a random byte, its 8 right-bit shift complement and 16 right-bit shift complement; second and sixth passes with zeroes, and third and seventh pass with random data

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I started seven cycles of preclear on the drive to erase all data securely before I return the drive.

Got an email at the end of cycle 1 saying


Disk sdk has successfully finished a preclear cycle!

Finished Cycle 1 of 7 cycles.
Last Cycle`s Pre-Read Time: 9:56:39 @ 111 MB/s.
Last Cycle`s Zeroing Time: 9:48:23 @ 113 MB/s.
Last Cycle`s Post-Read Time: 9:59:44 @ 111 MB/s.
Last Cycle`s Elapsed TIme: 39:34:45
Disk Start Temperature: 29 C
Disk Current Temperature: 33 C

Starting a new cycle.


then this emails during cycle 2


Event: Preclear  
Subject: FAIL! Post-Read verification failed.
Description: FAIL! Post-Read verification failed.
Importance: alert

Post-Read verification failed - Aborted


Event: unRAID device sdk SMART health [197]
Subject: Warning [TOWER] - current pending sector is 2
Description: WDC_WD40EFRX-68WT0N0_WD-WCC4E5SLV3K2 (sdk)
Importance: warning


On the server UI it says

"Post-Read verification failed - Aborted"

and offers the option to stop preclear.


QUESTION: Is my drive wiped or is my data still on it? I need to RMA it tomorrow, last date available...


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Preclear basically writes Zeros to every bit in every byte on the Hard drive.  It does add a 'signature' that Unraid looks for when adding a drive to the system.  This prevents Unraid from doing another preclear write cycle of Zeros.)  You completed one cycle so the disk contained all Zeros plus the signature at that point.  The second cycle was repeating exactly what the first cycle did but the drive had problems in reading the disk during its read verification on the second cycle.  (Your analysis that the disk had a real problem is confirmed.)  


Basically, there is no data on that disk that can be read with normal disk recovery tools.  Perhaps some three letter government agency could recover something off of it but you are that worried, you should NOT be considering sending it back on an RMA...

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