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Cannot access unRaid shares via 10GB ethernet card


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Hi - my unRaid server has 3 ethernet adapters - 2 onboard 1GB adapters (with 1 disabled) and 1 Mellanox ConnectX-2 10GB addin card. My WIN10 PC has an onboard 1GB adapter and a Mellanox Connectx-2 10GB card. The 2 10GB cards are connected by Cisco SFP cable. Both mellanox cards have updated firmware. I can access the unRaid shares from my WIN10 workstation via the 1GB adapter, but not via the 10GB adapter. I can access the unRaid web gui using either the 1GB ( or the 10GB ip address ( I cannot map any of the unRaid shares using the 10GB ip address. 'TOWER' is visible in Windows Explorer, but I cannot connect to it. The unRaid shares are public and the unRaid server is local master. I have tried most troubleshooting steps (disable/re-enable SMB, etc) but no joy. Any assistance appreciated - diagnostics attached.


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