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(SOLVED) Missing User Shares and Docker not starting


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My tower was shutdown incorrectly, and now I have issues. First noticed docker wasn't starting "Docker service failed to start" then I checked docker settings to try and delete the docker img and rebuild it, but I couldn't delete it as it said "path does not exist" beside the file path for the image. So I checked my shares and there are no user shares at all. I assume this is the root of the problem? I followed the steps here: https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Checking_and_fixing_drives_in_the_webGui

To try and check for errors on my chache drives and it returned zero errors, I went ahead and ran the repair function and itddidnt repair anything aight assume because it found no errors. Now I am stuck. What is the best next step? 


Also I assume you need info from me, what do you need to know data wise let me know and I'll post everything I can. Diagnostics file is attached.


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Added the diagnostics to the original post. Thanks


Also side note, my parity drives are in xfs and my cache drives are in btrfs. When I started the array regularly for btrfs drives as it states in the link above. It wouldn't allow a check to be run stating that I needed to mount in maintenance mode. To me it seems to contradict the instructions given but I may not have understood correctly. I was running the check on the cache drive pool. 

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Thank you for pointing that out, I will do that, is this is what is causing the issue? I saw another thread here mentioned removing the network statistics plugin, I did that and rebooted and everything came back online normally without problems. I'm not sure if it is a fluke or if that fixed it. 

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