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Out of Memory, and processes (potentially required) are being killed off.


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Hi All,


I am new to unraid and i have run into this issue like many others.  I have read other posts, tried what they, and i am still having trouble.  When i look at the stats it appears that the ram goes all the way to the top of the scale and drops down.  I have 16gb of ram.  I tried the Tips and Tweeks plug in and set it to 1%/2% and i am still having the issues.  I downloaded the logs and have posted below.  Hopefully i did it right.  Having fun trying to learn the new server but it can be frustrating at times.  Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.



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Hopefully some one more knowledgeable in reading syslogs will be able to directly point to the exact cause.  However, OOM errors are not as common as they once were.  At that time, they had the nasty habit of killing off the GUI process!  


Some of the time, they occur because some Docker, VM or plugin have the wrong settings in their configuration.  You have to make sure that any settings for storing temporary data point to any actual physical device.  Unraid operates using a RAM disk to store the OS and so settings that make sense when the OS is installed on a physical HD or SSD cause problems with Unraid.  Typically, what you are looking for is applications that download files in small pieces with the goal of reassembling them in a single large file.  

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Probably what you are looking at with System Stats memory usage going up and down is simply I/O buffering, which is normal.


But FCP is reporting OOM as you noted. A simple way to make OOM happen is if you have some docker with a Host volume not using actual storage, since as Frank1940 mentioned, the Unraid OS itself is in RAM, including any folders that are not in mounted storage.


Do you get OOM if you don't run any dockers?

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Hey Guys.  Thanks for the responses. trurl is right, i am looking at the system stats and watching the ram cache usage go all the way to the top and then dip back down.  I thought that what i was seeing was the server going oom and then killing off the process.  If this is normal then i guess there is no problem.  I received the OOM notification and thought there was a problem.  I rebooted the server after making the tips and tweeks adjustment and have not had another OOM error.  I also ran out and installed more RAM which i dont think was necessary.  I now have 32 GBs in the server, but i want to start playing with VMs so i guess more is better.  Again thanks for the help!  I will be posting again soon probably because i cant seem to get the OpenVPN-AS to work correctly.  I have watched some videos and keep getting a refuse to connect error.  I am sure that i have something set up wrong.  I have been watching videos and reading the forums to try and learn more about Unraid.  I am pretty stoked to have the server as i have been looking to build one for about a year.  Now i just have to learn how to use it. ;).  Thanks Again!

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