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unraid power loss during disk cleaning


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I've just brought a new two hard drives and added them to my array(of two disks and one parity drives), unfortunately, I've had a power loss that resulted in a sudden shutdown during the disk cleaning process(by unraid and not the preclear plugin !)

I've started the server again and everything is fine and I've currently started cleaning process again(every VM and docker was off so nothing was being written to the array, except for the new drives) so even parity check wasn't needed,
should  I be worried about anything ?
this image is after the power failure



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I've read this on tomshardware


JaredDM Dec 12, 2016, 8:53 AM
HDDs use the centrifugal motion of the platters to generate electricity after losing power. This electricity is needed to park the heads safely onto the parking ramp or parking zone which is coated so as to prevent stiction or other damage to the heads. If the platters are spinning up at full speed, it'll have more than enough juice to park the heads safely. However, if the power goes off and back on in repeated succession (as it often does) the platters may have just started to spin back up in the last power on and haven't yet reached full speed. So the spinning of the platters may not have enough potential energy to power the parking sequence. In such a case the heads often become fused to the platters.

so I thought that the hard drives could get damaged if they had a power loss during a read/write sequence because the head won't park, but according to this comment, it seems it's the opposite.

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