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Woke up this morning to 605 Parity Drive errors and my 8tb parity Drive marked as faulty 


I have not rebooted and have the diagnostic report in hand . Looking for assistance in determining if the drive is done .. do i just rebuild etc .. ? 

Dockers i use are Filezilla - Plex Media Swerver & Resilio Sync - although i do not believe it to be a docker issue 


Can the community chime in and have a look and discuss my options 


NOV 7 .txt



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 Ive added the SMART report to the original post if this helps -  Before i shutdown and rebuild and check cables etc .. Id like to see if that SMART report has any clues .. ? once confirmed i will go ahead with your suggested action 



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update : 


I have since changed the SATA cable and rebuilt parity - worked well for apppx a week or so but coming back with additional errors on my 8tb parity drive in question . 


I have included the SMART report on the drive As of 11.23.18 and looking to see if anyone can pinpoint as to what is going on here ? 



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Please don't edit a post from weeks ago and expect us to know it! It is very confusing and might even lead to your getting bad advice.


If I hadn't wondered where your new diagnostics were I would have never even looked. Anytime you need to post new diagnostics do so with a new post. In fact, do so right now with the complete diagnostics zip.


Just a SMART report can only tell us so much, and most of the time it won't show us anything about a simple I/O error since they are often caused by things other than the disk itself.

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