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Starting a bit over a week ago, PLEX became nearly unresponsive around the same time unRaid flagged one of my drives as red; I swapped out the drive, upgraded my parity drive, updated my OS, made sure PLEX was up to date, made sure my GB network connection was still operating as it should, everything I could think to do, yet my server remains very slow (e.g., just opening folders takes a while; file transfer speeds hover around 20MB/s), and PLEX remains nearly inoperable, especially when trying to stream larger files.  I have attached logs if anyone could possibly help.  I'm happy to provide any further information.  Thank you. 


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23 hours ago, tomorrowsman said:

Wow, looks like I picked a bleeding edge dud all those years ago.  Is there a wiki of PLEX-friendly drives?

Is it really a dud if it's lasted this long? I have 3 of them and had them for about 6 years now. Had 4 but one died so it could be worse...

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27 minutes ago, krazijoe said:

Is it really a dud if it's lasted this long? I have 3 of them and had them for about 6 years now. Had 4 but one died so it could be worse...

Even the worst statistical failure rates have a significant amount of successes. It's just when almost 1/2 of them were dead after a few years at backblaze it raised some eyebrows.


Mass statistics are fairly useless when your sample size is 1.



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