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[Solved] Help VMS not starting after Upgrade to 6.5.5


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I went from a VERY old version of 5 to 6.5.5. It was an ESXi install with UNRAID as a VM. I wanted to try using UNRAID only. So now it boots and I see all my drives. I had to do a rebuild of one drive as I didn't realize it was in an error state being emulated. Docker didn't work at first and I had to set some paths and now that works. The VMS tab just shows 'Libvirt Service failed to start.' I've searched the forums and couldn't figure out what the deal is. I've attached my diag file.


Other things of note. the server has 72GB of memory but it is only showing 48GB. Not sure why on this?!?!?


Any help is appreciated. 


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Your parity disk is showing lots of read errors and needs to be replaced.


You're actually running version 6.6.5, not 6.5.5.


Linux is only seeing 48 GiB of RAM. Maybe you have an unsupported combination of DIMMs.


I don't see any attempt to mount the libvirt.img in your syslog. Perhaps disabling VMs and re-enabling them will fix.

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47 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

libvirt.img location is not correctly configured, you need to specify the file, not a folder, currently it is:



it should be for example





That fixed it! Awesome! Thanks for the easy fix!


Yep I checked all my RAM and I have mismatched speeds so I need to slow it down or replace all the slower ones.


Thanks also on the Parity disk. I'll replace it ASAP. 

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