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GPU not working in PCIe ASC Override


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When PCIe ASC override is disabled my graphic card (Geforce GTX 1060) is in it's own IOMMU group together with the digital sound of the Card. 

Now to expand my PC I wanted to add a NIC so I can give my VM a dedicated network interface, however no matter in what free slot I place the card it's not going in it's own IOMMU group. To put it in it's own group I need to use PCIe ASC override and set it to multifunction or both. Now I can pass through the NIC and it works however the graphic card stops working at all.. and shows me Code 43 in the windows VM.


Is there a way to make a custom IOMMU structure so I can rebuild as it was only with te NIC separated instead of everything separated?


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Let me ask a simpler question:  why is it important for you to give your VM a physical network interface?


I see no benefit in this for your use case.  Performance-wise, virtio networking vs. bare-metal you will not notice a difference (especially on a 1gbps network).  So what is to be gained?

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I wanted to use it for Nvidia game stream, although it might work fine without it. But still I would like to have the option to pass a device through because I've a sound processor card as well which is also in a shared IOMMU group.. 


But now I've introduced a new issue, turning off ASC override still shows me code 43 now. So I'm back 2 steps..

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