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Bunch of questions, been out of the loop for a few years

G Speed

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1st.. How do I get back a lost key?  I still have the email account I used to buy it.. though I can't find the email anymore...
And I think I still have them same USB I used for unraid "GUID"


2nd.. When I stopped using unraid, cache drives "just became a thing" I'm not sure how to set up.. but here is my end goal
can this be done..
1 Parity
X HDD - Movies / User Shares

1 SSD Cache - Plex, Sab etc.... "dockers" probably
1 SSD Cache - User Shares 


My wife for example has tons of home movies, that take up a bunch of space. Even all our families, VHS converted to digital..
I would like to have a directory Structure like so

When my wife is on her computer, she doesn't see the difference

Wife logs in, 1 Folder with the sub folders

- Documents - SSD
- Music - SSD
- Pics - SSD

- Vids - HDD <- This on the parity drive




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Your .key file should be on your flash in the config folder. If you don't see it there check in the top folder of the flash drive. Once you find the .key file make a copy of it so you don't lose it again. You can use that .key on that flash for your install of Unraid V6.


1 hour ago, G Speed said:

1 SSD Cache - Plex, Sab etc.... "dockers" probably
1 SSD Cache - User Shares 

Unraid doesn't currently support multiple cache pools, but you can have multiple drives in a single cache pool. That is what most people do. The cache pool is treated as a single drive but you can effectively separate those things as separate user shares.


1 hour ago, G Speed said:

Wife logs in, 1 Folder with the sub folders

- Documents - SSD
- Music - SSD
- Pics - SSD

- Vids - HDD <- This on the parity drive

You can't exactly do that, but the way it would work is effectively the same. Each of those would be a user share that would look like folders when accessing the server, and you can control which disks are used by each user share.


If you are putting that much on cache SSD then you will need to plan to have enough size in your cache pool.


I'll give you a few links to go with what I have already said and that should be enough to get you started with more detailed questions. 


Upgrading to UnRAID v6


Official Documentation - just start with the Overview section


FAQ for unRAID v6


Docker FAQ



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