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Wondering if anyone could help me figure out who my sickbeard keeps closing or stopping.  I start it... Then a day or so goes by and I try to open it back up via web and it doesn't come up.  So I telnet back in and run it again and poof it comes back up via web. 


What info would someone need? It's in my go script...  Would u want a log or what?

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Okay so just tried my sickbeard again... and it is no longer running again....  I am thinking it may have some thing to do with the mover script that runs every night....  here is my go script:



# Start the Management Utility

/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


cd /boot/packages && find . -name '*.auto_install' -type f -print | sort | xargs -n1 sh -c



# determine if cache drive online, retry upto 7 times

for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


   if [ ! -d /mnt/cache ]


     sleep 10




# If Cache drive is online, start SABNzbd

if [ -d /mnt/cache ]; then

 # Start SABnzbd and sickbeard

 installpkg /boot/custom/SABnzbdDependencies-1.3-i486-unRAID.tgz

 python /mnt/cache/.custom/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py -d -s

 nohup python /mnt/cache/.custom/sickbeard/SickBeard.py &



and here is a pastebin of the log:





What sickbeard logs are you talking about.....??  Is there a way to turn off the mover to see if sickbeard stays running, if that is disabled?

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What sickbeard logs are you talking about.....??  Is there a way to turn off the mover to see if sickbeard stays running, if that is disabled?


There is a logs subdirectory within your sickbeard path which should have quite extensive logs in it.


There is also a logs and errors tab within sickbeard - though not much good if it's not running at the time.


Finally you can start sickbeard interactively from your ssh session etc and it should log quite verbosely to there whilst it runs.


i.e don't start it backgrounded with nohup and &.


I'm running an oldish version of sickbeard so possible the logging has been toned down but you should have some logs somewhere.

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Updated everything, that it was working great.  It lasted a couple days, then went back to it today and it was closed....


SB crashed for no apparent reason the first three times I was using it. Now it's running more than 1 month 24/7 without any glitches. I keep my fingers crossed, just run it again and hope the next run will be longer than a few days.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Guys,

Set this up today and got a few shows running and sync'ing with my SabNZBD+


Only issue is it wont actually copy the files from the downloads folder on my cache drive, to the locations I set out on another disk.


Looked through a couple of guides and cannot seem to work out what I missed.


Episodes are sending over to Sabnzbd+ fine.

Downloading fine.

Sick Beard gets history updated with snatched/downloaded.

Sick beard has added the covers etc to the correct destination folders.

Sabnzbd+ categories script for 'tv' is set to sabToSickbeard.py


Any help appreciated,



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Hi Guys,

Set this up today and got a few shows running and sync'ing with my SabNZBD+


Only issue is it wont actually copy the files from the downloads folder on my cache drive, to the locations I set out on another disk.


Looked through a couple of guides and cannot seem to work out what I missed.


Episodes are sending over to Sabnzbd+ fine.

Downloading fine.

Sick Beard gets history updated with snatched/downloaded.

Sick beard has added the covers etc to the correct destination folders.

Sabnzbd+ categories script for 'tv' is set to sabToSickbeard.py


Any help appreciated,




Make sure your post-processing script for your "tv" category is set to sabToSickBeard.py


This script is located in Sickbeard/autoProcessTV. You'll also need to configure autoProcessTV.cfg with your server settings (there's a .sample to guide you). If you don't use any other post-processing scripts with SABnzbd, it's safe to go into the SAB config and set the script post-processing dir to /path/to/sickbeard/autoProcessTV (Config -> Folders -> Post-Processing Scripts Folder). Otherwise, copy autoProcessTV.cfg and sabToSickBeard.py to your scripts directory.


To set the post-processing script for the TV category, go into Config -> Categories , you'll see a tv category with a script dropdown, select sabToSickBeard.py



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I have sickbeard set up on my cache drive and it works great.  The only issue I have is the cache drive doesn't sleep with it is running.


I have been through the settings a couple of times to try and see if there's a reason why but couldn't find one.  I have set it to scan for new eps every 4 hours and the backlog search every 7 days.  I'm not using the torrent blackhole feature.


I'm running it in nohup mode, I'll give the new daemon mode a try tonight.


Does anyone else have this issue?

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Thanks for replies,


@lionelhutz - I had renamed the file from .sample already, but the host was set to localhost, so I will update that to my ip. Do you think that could have been the issue?









@Stokkes - cheers for detailed instructions, went through and double checked all that was done and seems to be.


I take it to test this, I will have to manually move my already downloaded files and download some more to see if it works?

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To test don't move anything, just go to SickBeard and click the find link for an episode (or search or whatever that link in the series table view beside each episode is called). If the download works you'll get the file again. If not, it'll be left in the SAB downloads directory and you can delete it.


I can't check what I have for the host until I go home tonight. I have a fixed IP for my server so I might have just stuck it in there.


When SAB is doing a download it should say sabtosickbeard.py in the post processing column. At least the Plush interface shows this. Then once SAB is done you should be able to open the log of the script running. In Plush, the done table has the file name then to the right a bunch of icons for each step of the process. The right most icon should open the script log.








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After some fiddling about and restarting, it seems to work now.

Not sure what was done, but all pulling accross nicely.


Do most of you keep copies of the files in your cache?

Or delete from there once the moving script has moved them to the location you picked?


Thanks again for all your help.

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I let it delete all other downloaded files on the main file has been copied and re-named. I also let it copy and re-name to the cache disk so it's not spinning up the array.


Once thing I haven't done yet is change the cache drive so the mover only runs about once a week. It's not worth spinning the array up every night for a file or 2.




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I have sickbeard set up on my cache drive and it works great.  The only issue I have is the cache drive doesn't sleep with it is running.


I have been through the settings a couple of times to try and see if there's a reason why but couldn't find one.  I have set it to scan for new eps every 4 hours and the backlog search every 7 days.  I'm not using the torrent blackhole feature.


I'm running it in nohup mode, I'll give the new daemon mode a try tonight.


Does anyone else have this issue?

I was having trouble getting my cache drive to sleep with Sab/SB.  I ended up making sure that any logs are written to /var/log (volatile, so it goes bye-bye after every boot) for both Sab and SB.  I disabled any blackhole checking, and switched the episode search to 4 hours.  It seems that every time I access the web GUI for SB it will spin up my cache drive.  Also, every time it performs a search it appears to spin up my drive as well, likely due to using its cache folder.  Also, if you're using nohup, I believe you have to specify a location to write its output to.  I had it set to /tmp/sb.txt before I switched over to using --daemon mode.


Hope this helps.


Edit: I forgot to mention, I could never get my cache drive to sleep when I was using Couchpotato despite trying just about everything.

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--daemon adds a proper daemon (background processing mode) to sickbeard (like sabnzbd has) instead of the hack that is nohup and &.


Although I don't think it's added yet, it would theoretically also allow sickbeard to be shutdown gracefully instead of killing the process (which would really lead to database corruption).


Force-killing any application that uses a database == BAD idea.

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I was having trouble getting my cache drive to sleep with Sab/SB.  I ended up making sure that any logs are written to /var/log (volatile, so it goes bye-bye after every boot) for both Sab and SB.  I disabled any blackhole checking, and switched the episode search to 4 hours.  It seems that every time I access the web GUI for SB it will spin up my cache drive.  Also, every time it performs a search it appears to spin up my drive as well, likely due to using its cache folder.  Also, if you're using nohup, I believe you have to specify a location to write its output to.  I had it set to /tmp/sb.txt before I switched over to using --daemon mode.


Hope this helps.


Edit: I forgot to mention, I could never get my cache drive to sleep when I was using Couchpotato despite trying just about everything.


It's likely the logs then, that's the difference between my set up and yours.  I'll give that a go tonight, many thanks.

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