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All Virtual Machines and Docker builds deleted..


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today, all my running virtual machines, docker machines and the unraid webinterface stopped working.

After a few hours of troubleshooting, i deleted the SSL certificate to get the http service started.

Now i can access my webinterface. All data is still here from my "Raid 1" config, except my virtual machines which were located at /mnt/user/domains/

Unfortunately i have no backups for this..

Can someone help me out with this problem? All of my smart home stuff were virtualized..

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There could be many reasons, can't say for sure without the pre-reboot diags, but one of the most common is if Unraid boots (no need to start the array) with cache devices disconnected (or not detected because of some connection issue) it will forget them, i.e. it will keep them unassigned even if they are reconnect on subsequent boots, they have to be manually re-assign, this is expected to change on future releases.


Having said that, you can really lose the pool for other reasons, so you should always have a backup of libvirt.img (this is where the XML files for all the VMs are stored) and the vdisks if they have any important and/or irreplaceable data.

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