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Power outage, now everything is broken...


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So the power went out last night and my ups was disconnected (changing the battery) so yeah......


Now I cannot run or create VM's and some of my dockers like plex are not starting correctly. Plex for instance just says "Plex is starting" over and over again.


This is the error I get when trying to make a new VM "operation failed: unable to find any master var store for loader: /usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi.fd"


I have attached my log.




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Yeah, so that didn't work.


I did this correctly and set all my shares with data on the cache drive to Yes, but when I run the mover it "moves" for a while (20mins) and then nothing happens.

I still have the same 32.9gb of data sitting on the cache.

I have turned off my dockers.

Any ideas?

So I cannot remove my cache drive as I cannot move the data off it...

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On 1/2/2019 at 4:04 AM, danthekilla said:

I have attached my log.

In future, please always go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file. It contains syslog, SMART for all disks, and many more things that allow us to get a more complete understanding of your situation.


6 hours ago, danthekilla said:

I have turned off my dockers.

Did you disable the docker service itself? And VM Service? Mover can't move open files, and those services have files open (docker image file for example) even if you have stopped all your dockers and VMs.


Might be worthwhile to go ahead and attach your diagnostics to your next post.

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I notice you have 99 for your docker image size. Why? It is very unlikely to ever need more than 20 if you have your dockers configured correctly.


6 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Move the files manually using for example midnight commander (mc on the console) or your favorite file copy utility, files with checksum errors won't move, you'll get an i/o error since they are corrupt, restore those from backups.

When moving files, be sure you only move disk to disk. You must never mix user shares and disks when moving/copying files or you could lose data. Cache is a disk, so just try to move its contents to an array disk and not to a user share.

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21 hours ago, trurl said:

I notice you have 99 for your docker image size. Why? It is very unlikely to ever need more than 20 if you have your dockers configured correctly.



No idea, I think it was because my plex one got full a year or two ago and so I had to make it bigger to make it work again?

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2 hours ago, danthekilla said:

No idea, I think it was because my plex one got full a year or two ago and so I had to make it bigger to make it work again?

Since docker isn't started in those diagnostics, I can't see how much of the 99 is actually used.


But what you did is not the solution to that problem. After you get your other problem fixed reduce it to 20 and if you still have a problem with it work with us to resolve it.

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