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Cashing subfolders with Dynamix Cache Directories, not entire share


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I have the feeling that you don't realize that what Dynamix Cache Directories does is to 'cache' the directory/file names NOT the files themselves.  It is intended to speed up the appearance of the file names when using a file manager if you are spinning down the data disks after a period of no disk/file access. 

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You could do it manually, by setting the share to cache:only or cache:no, depending on where you want to target new files written to the share. Either of those settings will effectively disable mover for the root share, and allow you to manually keep the subfolders of the share on the drive of your choosing, either an array drive or the cache drive.


If you don't understand how the array user shares work in relation to the individual disks, then attempting to do this blind will most likely result in irretrievable data loss. Don't attempt without posting for approval the exact commands or procedures you are planning to use.

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Since you are the first person that I have heard request such a feature, I don't believe that there is one.  


You do realize that the original idea behind Unraid was that it was to be a write-once/read-many storage.  Now there are some ways to speed up access to files.


First, turn off the HD drive spin down.  This will do wonders to speed up access to files.  (Remember that the network is much slower (unless you have 10G) than having the files on local drive.)  It does mean that your array will always to spun up which will result in some increase in power consumption.  (Many folks are reluctant to do this.)


Second, You could put the share 'Photos' on a single drive in the array.  That way you will have only to wait for one drive to spin up.  


Third, if you do number two, you could change the Spin Down Delay on that one drive to 'Never'  (   Main   >>>  Disk #   > >>  Disk # Settings  ).  That way, you could spin down all of the drives except for that one drive.  


Further thought on number three, you could change to the delay for Spin Down to a long enough period that it appears that it never spins down while you are actively using it.  


These last ideas are all based on the presumption that you are willing to do the work (and it is bit of a hassle to do this)  to get all of your files onto one disk as @Jonathan indicated.   

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