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USB troubles? v6.6.7


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Hi All


I am new here and new to unRAID. I am 2 days into the trial period and so far it's been fun and I am very happy with it.


However, I got an email late last night and it was my server informing me that the USB was not read-write.


Unraid Status: Alert [MYSTIQUE] - USB drive is not read-write


Event: USB flash drive failure
Subject: Alert [MYSTIQUE] - USB drive is not read-write
Description: Ultra_Fit (sda)
Importance: alert


I have attached the diagnostics.


I haven't really done much in the way of config other than setting up the mail notifications and started preclearing my disks. It is still chugging away doing that but I am unsure what to do now if the USB is dead.


Would it be worth just getting a new drive and starting again?









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Shutdown and put your flash in your PC and let it checkdisk. While there, make a backup copy of flash.


Then, try it in a USB2 port on your Unraid. USB3 ports often give trouble for the Unraid boot device.


You should always have a current backup of flash. You can go to Main - Boot Device, click on Flash, and then click the Flash Backup button. This will create and download a zipped copy of your flash drive. But go ahead and make the backup while it's in your PC since it was already having an issue plugged into Unraid.

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48 minutes ago, trurl said:

Shutdown and put your flash in your PC and let it checkdisk. While there, make a backup copy of flash.


Then, try it in a USB2 port on your Unraid. USB3 ports often give trouble for the Unraid boot device.


You should always have a current backup of flash. You can go to Main - Boot Device, click on Flash, and then click the Flash Backup button. This will create and download a zipped copy of your flash drive. But go ahead and make the backup while it's in your PC since it was already having an issue plugged into Unraid.

Thanks for you help.


Should I wait for the pre clears to finish before shutting down? I have no array yet.


Something I forgot to mention is I had trouble getting this memory stick to work in the first place. It used to host my FreeNas install while I was playing with that. Upon creating the unRAID stick it seemed fine but it would install okay for the most part but it had trouble getting past the final step.

With some help from Reddit I used a HP Format tool as mentioned on the unRAID wiki and did a slow format and tried again and it worked but now with this issue i'm beginning to question the reliability of the stick. Another thing I've noticed in my time using the Ultra Fit is that it gets very hot quite quickly. Even the couple of minutes it takes to create the unRAID installer made it get very warm to the touch.


I will do the checkdisk though. As I am on the trial, how would I got about moving the backup to a new stick as the licence is tied to the stick itself isn't it?


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If you have no array yet there isn't really anything to backup. And with no array yet there isn't really anything to lose by letting it try to finish the preclears.


I have some of those Ultra Fits and they do get hot. But I am not using them in Unraid. I have the original Sandisk Fit USB2 for my boot device. I don't know if other people have had trouble with the Ultra Fit or not.


Unraid doesn't really access the boot device very much. It just loads the OS from the archives on flash into RAM, and the OS runs in RAM. Settings from the webUI are saved there when you change anything.


So, there is no benefit to the extra speed of a USB3 boot device, and definitely some reported problems with USB3 ports for the boot device.

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2 hours ago, trurl said:

If you have no array yet there isn't really anything to backup. And with no array yet there isn't really anything to lose by letting it try to finish the preclears.


I have some of those Ultra Fits and they do get hot. But I am not using them in Unraid. I have the original Sandisk Fit USB2 for my boot device. I don't know if other people have had trouble with the Ultra Fit or not.


Unraid doesn't really access the boot device very much. It just loads the OS from the archives on flash into RAM, and the OS runs in RAM. Settings from the webUI are saved there when you change anything.


So, there is no benefit to the extra speed of a USB3 boot device, and definitely some reported problems with USB3 ports for the boot device.


Thank you. I am going to let it finish it's preclear which will be another 2 days at this rate (new drives so I opted for 3 cycles.....)


55 minutes ago, itimpi said:

I also use the Sandisk Cruzer Fit without any problems.   You do not need much space for UnRAID so a 8GB drive is enough (although you may well find the 16GB variant to be the same price or cheaper!).


I can get the 16gb Cruzer fit (2.0) for less than £6 on ebay Amazon. I'll probably order one and try that one out.



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