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CPU Overheating

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I received a warning today that my CPU may have overheated and is throttled? Here is the message in Fix Common Problems:

"Your CPU is overheating and has been throttled down (This may however be a transient occurance). You may need to clean your filters and/or increase your cooling capacity."


I have copied my diagnostics which has the syslog in it I believe. Any insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you  



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Thank you I understand that. However I was more looking to see if someone could tell me if this is a false positive or not. Or more insight into what, when it happened etc. I do have adequate cooling and find it hard to believe that my CPU overheated. Also wondering if my CPU is still throttled or not and how to reverse this change.


Thank you 

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3 minutes ago, ssjucrono said:

if this is a false positive or not

Very unlikely, the temp sensor is inside the CPU.


3 minutes ago, ssjucrono said:

Also wondering if my CPU is still throttled or not and how to reverse this change.

It only throttles during the overheat period, once the temperature decreases it will return to normal operation.

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  • 2 months later...

For future googlers, you can find out when the CPU overheated by looking at the syslog.



It will show up as type "warning" so you can use the filters at the top of the page to make it easier to find out when it happened. For some reason, when I copy a lot of data to a luks encrypted device, I get overheating issues. For now, during my initial loadup of the shares, I have the case off and a fan pointing at it. I'm going to go back and replace the thermal paste this weekend, I just don't want to stop the data migration right now.

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  • 4 years later...

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