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unable to install Mariadb or owncloud


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I am running Unraid 6.7.7. I have plex running on it and am using port forwarding.  My router is a linksys EA9500. I am able to view plex anywhere so it does have internet connection. However, when I look at my router it shows the server as offline (it is connected via Ethernet). I don’t know if this has anything to do with the issue or not!  


I am trying to install mariadb and ownCloud onto my server. I click download and It goes to add container screen. I put in a password and click apply.  It goes to screen that says “pulling image”. I get a message that says “unable to find image ‘linuxseever/mariadb:latest’ locally /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection...The command failed. 


I tried to update network settings, but no option seemed to work. Any advice on how to get it to work?

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