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CRC errors


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I recently purchased an IBM X3630 M4 with 14 drive bays and I'm trying out Unraid for the first time. 


I tried different drives (some old, some recently shucked) in different slots I'm getting a ridiculous number of CRC errors. I ended up rebooting when I hit over 200,000 on one of the drives.


I tried to search the forums but didn't find anything on point. 


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.






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It took some work to get the firmware update working correctly but finally got it. I flashed the backplane but still getting errors. I'm now waiting to receive a replacement backplane from Ebay and some SAS cables... 


The CRC error count on one of my hard drives is now up to over 6,000,000 as a result :(


As a result of the time I'm spending on this I have a question on the trial key... is it tied to the particular USB key or does it fingerprint the system? I'm wondering because at this rate I won't have been able to actually test anything before it runs out. I know that I'll be able to request an extension but I may burn through that as well if I don't identify the issue soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So the problem ended up being with the HBA controller... after replacing the backplane and the SAS cables I tried installing an M1015 flashed to IT mode and that seems to have put an end to the CRC errors for now. I'm preclearing the drives and the SSD has cleared without error and not seeing the CRC error count creeping up anymore. This is a relief. 


Thanks for the assistance. I will finally be able to start to test Unraid on this server :) 


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