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Is really 2GB of ram the minimum required for unRaid?


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I know by now most people use 4GB of ram or even 8GB to start. But since the website says minimum 2GB, I tried revitalizing an old Buffalo NAS that runs with 2GB of ram.


unRaid works, but I get some errors with the rootfs getting full and can't update to a newer version either. I keep getting this error every time I try. 


inflating: /tmp/unRAIDServer/bzmodules unzip error 0
plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 1


Also this from the Update Assistant plugin.  





Maybe it's the new builds 6.6.7 and 6.7.0rc7 that require that. But then, shouldn't this be updated on the website as well??


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As far as I know 2GB is enough for running Unraid as a pure NAS.    As soon as you start installing any non-trivial plugins or dockers then things start getting tight as they consume additional RAM.   I think virtually nobody runs without any plugins installed.   This means that 4GB is probably what should probably be stated as the practical minimum even if 2GB is the theoretical minimum.


However I am not sure that 2GB is enough to reliably support upgrading to new releases via the GUI.   The GUI upgrade process seems to involve downloading the new release to RAM  and then unpacking that release to RAM before finally writing the new release to the USB stick.   There have been a significant number of reports of this failing on systems with only 2GB of RAM.  Doing manual upgrades where the new release is downloaded and unpacked on a different system before copying new files to the USB stick works OK in such cases.  If if I am correct about the RAM requirements via the GUI then the upgrade process needs to check that there is sufficient free RAM before attempting the upgrade and refusing to proceed if it looks too tight.



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