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Mover does not move


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I am using a trial unRAID and I have an issue with mover:

I tried different settings to see performance hit and I am stuck with data on the cache and on the array.

I tried to change the setting to "use cache: NO" and click on the mover but data stay on both locations.

I also tried the inverse with to use the cache, and same story th move doesn't do a thing.


Right now my settings are:

appdata: use cache ONLY

domain : use cache NO

system: use cache NO


I installed "fix common problem" and the result is attached.


I activated mover's log but I have nothing else than this in the log of unRAID (is the log somewhere else?)

May 7 19:00:01 unRAID root: mover: started
May 7 19:00:01 unRAID root: mover: finished

What is wrong with my newly install ? Thanks

2019-05-07 19_00_16-unRAID_FixProblems.jpg

2019-05-07 19_04_34-unRAID_Shares.jpg

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31 minutes ago, yendi said:

I tried to change the setting to "use cache: NO" and click on the mover but data stay on both locations.

Cache="No" won't move nothing, see her for more details:



Also keep in mind that open files won't be moved, i.e., if moving docker related files you should stop the docker service.


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Turn on the Help in the GUI and it may become clearer how the different Use Cache settings interact with mover.   Setting ONLY or NO will never cause files to be moved.    You want YES for files to be moved from cache to array and PREFER for files to be moved from array to cache.

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Thank you for the quick answer.

So I change all share to YES, deactivated docker and VM and started the mover

As a result the mover worked except for one share: system

I tried also "prefer" to consolidate and then move back to array but it does not move.

Now I have

appdata : ONLY --> it worked I have everything on cache

system : YES

but when I start the mover the system share does not move at all. Strange thing, both cache and array usage for system is 22.5GB as it was a copy of the data.

2019-05-07 20_43_59-unRAID_Shares.jpg


What I have in cache for system:

/mnt/cache/system/docker/docker.img and /mnt/cache/system/libvirt/libvirt.img

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1 hour ago, yendi said:

What I have in cache for system:

/mnt/cache/system/docker/docker.img and /mnt/cache/system/libvirt/libvirt.img

Do you have the same files on both disk1 and cache?     If so that will explain why mover will not touch them as it does not expect the same file to be in two locations.    The only question is if you have two copies of the file are they identical?    You could try renaming one of the copies in each case and then rerunning mover and they should move.  It is likely that the copy on cache will be the one the system is using as it tends to look there first for any file before looking at array disks so I would suggest rename the ones on the array disk as they are probably the superfluous copy.

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So I used the build in terminal and navigated to /mnt/disk1/

I used the command

mv system systembak

which rename the folder correctly. 

I started the mover and he created a system folder on DISK2 with that content:

/mnt/cache/system/docker/ (empty folder) and /mnt/cache/system/libvirt/libvirt.img

on the cache:


the setting for the "system" share is YES for the cache.


I Disable docker and click to move and all files where copied to array so all good! 

Thanks :)

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