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Cannot delete any files created by Docker application - Need permission from User\nobody


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I have an issue as I just migrated everything from Windows to Unraid:

I migrated my plex/sonarr/radarr etc. to it, but as I am migrating my data I saw that Sonarr had already recreated folders and some files (meta data) for each tv show. I wanted to overwrite it but I have a permission denied as files are owned by User\nobody.


I tried to rename a movie downloaded with Sonarr, same issue, I cannot mess with it, permission denied !


EDIT: I deleted my Windows Credentials, rebooted the array, and put all share as Public (I don't really care to have private shares) and I was able to delete all files and folders, however, I cannot delete the one I created when I was logged... 

I suppose that it means that I need to connect as logged user to delete them now? I have created hundreds of files everywhere. Is there a command (chown?) to change the ownership to guest? 


If I write this command in the parent folder, will it make the file/folder deletable by everyone?


chown -R nobody:users ./


Thanks !

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Running Tools->New Permissions tool can correct permissions.    If you are using docker you want the ‘docker safe’ version of this tool that is installed by the Fix Common Problems plugin to avoid changing the permissions in the appdata share (which can upset docker containers).

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4 hours ago, yendi said:

I tried to rename a movie downloaded with Sonarr, same issue, I cannot mess with it, permission denied !


Within Sonarr's advanced settings, you can have it set file / folder permissions.  Set them to be 0777

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