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Switched out RAID Card for IT Mode Card - Unmountable: Unsupported Partition Layout

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I finally got around to following the advice I received a while back on here regarding a drive dying whilst using a RAID card in my server.


Just today switched out the RAID card for a H310 I have flashed to IT mode.


Having a bit of trouble at the last hurdle. I have 3 drives total and managed to identify the parity drive in the Unassigned Devices dashboard.


I created a new config and mounted the drives in their respective slots --> Started the array --> Both data drives show up as "Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout" --> :(


I have run a quick parity check and no errors so far.


I assume the issue lies with the fact the RAID card put the data inside some kind of container?


What is the best way to fix this? Any help would be much appreciated.


(I do have a back up of all my data but I would rather not go down that route if possible).


Many thanks






Edited by Ntouchable
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That happens when the raid controller uses non standard partitions, you can usually fix it by rebuilding one disk at a time, this will force Unraid to recreate the correct partitions.


Stop the array, unassign one of the data disks, start the array, the emulated disk should mount correctly, if yes rebuild on top, when the rebuild is done repeat the process for the other data disks.

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12 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

That happens when the raid controller uses non standard partitions, you can usually fix it by rebuilding one disk at a time, this will force Unraid to recreate the correct partitions.


Stop the array, unassign one of the data disks, start the array, the emulated disk should mount correctly, if yes rebuild on top, when the rebuild is done repeat the process for the other data disks.

I seem to have managed navigate the options to get the array to rebuild. Will confirm once both disks have rebuilt. Thanks

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