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All my apps keep turning off every day.

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Good Morning folks, 

This is my first time posting, I've been running UNraid for about a year now with out issues.


For the pass week or 2 now, I've noticed that all my docker apps are turned off or shutdown when I wake up in the morning.

The only warning I receive is the same warning I get everyday (disk 4 has high utilization) (it's a 4TB drive that hits about 71%)

I have 10 drives in total, 4TB parity, another 4Tb in the pool, and the other 8 drives are 2TB.

(plus a 1tb ssd) The pool is only ~65% full.

it's a Dual 20 core Xeon with 320Gb of Ram.

This started happening shortly after I update unraid to the latest version.


Does anyone know why it's doing this and how I can fix it?




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5 hours ago, DannyG said:

some parts are exposed to the net... it seems to always happen at the same time (at night)


If this is a daily occurrence, then try 

  1. changing the scheduled time that mover runs to when you're able to sit in front  of the server
  2. change the schedule time that the appdata backup runs to the same 

Any difference?


You're also being bombed with segfaults and general protection errors so a memcheck wouldn't be a bad idea either.

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