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Unraid won't use disk 11

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I have an array of 13 disks (11 data + 2 parity). I previously had a drive I dedicated to my security cameras (disk 11). I had all shares except 1 "Exclude" that disk so only camera recording would go there. I have since removed the docker and removed disk 11 from all share "Excludes". However, no data is getting written to the disk. It's been weeks,  and it definitely should have been used by now.


Screenshot and diagnostics attached!


Any help is appreciated!



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What makes you think it should have been used?


As far as I can see your shares are set to use Highwater allocation method.   Since your largest disks are 10TB, the disks start switching at 5TB, 2.5TB, 1.25TB etc.    On this basis disk11 will not start getting used until all the lower numbered disks have less than 2.5TB free (which is not currently the case as disk1 and disk2 have more than that free).

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