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welcome to the unRAID forums.

If you didn't know by now, writing everything in CAPITAL letters is considered as SHOUTING to others.


Now we have 3 possibilities on the receiver side:

1. You are not sure about your orthography skills and go all capital. ^_^ 

2. Your caps-lock has been unintentionally stuck.

3. You are intentionally shouting at us. :/


Please elaborate.


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I suppose one of your 4TB drives is parity at the moment.
The new drive is bigger than your current drives, so it will have to be the new parity drive. The parity needs to be at least as big as your biggest data drive.
I'm not sure how the preclear is handled in recent versions. Maybe @johnnie.black can help here?

For the Plex thing you should read up on how to use docker containers and see if that works for you.
IIRC there is also a install package on the Plex site if you want to go that way.

Sorry for the global answers, but I'm travelling at the moment and can't provide links as I'm writing this on my mobile.

Gesendet von meinem Mi 9 SE mit Tapatalk

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Your attempt to ping johnnie.black failed.   You have to begin typing, and then you have to actually make a selection from the matching choices. Just typing it won't work.









@trurl I'm using Tapatalk here and I selected the name off the list that popped up but for reasons the link failed!?But I see there is a difference once the post is online.



Once edited, the link gets fixed...

Just edit and save without any modification.








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copy all *.cfg files, go file and the super.dat file. These are configuration files.

copy all *.cfg files. These are user share settings files.

Syslog file(s)
copy the current syslog file and any previous existing syslog files.

save output of the following commands:
lsscsi, lspci, lsusb, free, lsof, ps, ethtool & ifconfig.
display of iommu groups.
display of command line parameters (e.g. pcie acs override, pci stubbing, etc).
save system variables.

SMART reports
save a SMART report of each individual disk present in your system.

save files docker.log, libvirtd.log and libvirt/qemu/*.log.

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Like mentioned you can't add a data disk that's larger than parity, you can upgrade your parity to 6TB, then add the old 4TB parity as a data disk.


If you want to do that with the array stopped assign the new 6TB disk to the parity slot, start the array to begin a parity sync, when that's done you can add the old parity disk to the array as a data disk.



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30 minutes ago, davecoco said:

array started Parity-Sync / Data -Rebuild     is in progress. Is this correct.

Assuming you followed those instructions that is what you should expect to see.


If you go to Main - Array Devices, you should also be seeing writes to the new parity disk, and reads from all the other disks.

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1 hour ago, davecoco said:

Tried to right mouse click nothing

For future reference, as far as I know nothing in the Unraid webUI responds to right mouse click. The webUI is a web site and web pages typically only respond to left mouse clicks, and in some cases mouse-over. There are many informational popups in the webUI from mouse-over.


Another thing is Help (?) in the upper right. It will toggle Help text On/Off for the entire webUI. You can also often toggle help for many specific settings by clicking on the label for the setting.

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3 hours ago, davecoco said:

Once everything is completed , should see 6TB as parity and the 2-4TB disk 1,2

Your diagnostics only had 1 data disk, so I assume you mean after you 

7 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

add the old parity disk to the array as a data disk


3 hours ago, davecoco said:

Is there a video

You might start with this one:




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