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Help using preclear setting up first array


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So, I recently completed by first unRAID build and very happy. 

Now, it's time to add the disks, and as far as I heard preclearing the drive is a must to make sure the drives are OK before storing data. 

However, after one in half day, the first 10TB drive still preclearing in the first round, so my question is, can edit the passes to only one cycle? I set it to 2, but it's taking really long time. Also,  how many drivers can preclear at the same time? 


Also, also, also, can I use unRAID, edit settings, and other things while drives are preclearing?



Edited by mhweb
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There is some debate whether preclear is a must. Its only purpose now is for testing and burnin. It used to have another purpose, clearing a drive before adding it to the array, but Unraid will clear a disk itself when a clear disk is required.


I haven't use preclear in any of its recent versions but as far as I know there is no way to change the number of cycles after you have started it. I think it is possible to start it over and make it skip phases it has already completed but as noted haven't use it lately.


I don't think there is any fixed upper limit to the number of drives that can be precleared at once, but I suspect if you try to do too many you will have problems.


Some settings may not be accessible until you have at least one data disk so you can start the array.


There is a lot about working with a large capacity server that will just take some time simply due to the amount of data. Might as well learn some patience.😉


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