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How do I create nested folders and then share them individually


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I'm setting up my folder structure on unRAID, but I can't seem to find the settings to manage folders and share them accordingly.


I want to group users into a single folder. For example:

- users

-- usr1

-- usr2

-- usr3

And then I want to give users access to their respective folder without give them access to the other user folders. 

How do I do this on unRAID?


Edited by mhweb
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Via the webUI, you can't.


You could however create applicable entries in the smb-extra.cfg file on the flash drive and do whatever you want.  Something akin to


path = /mnt/user/share1/folder/ 
valid users = tfox carole 
public = no 

path = /mnt/user/share1/folder2
valid users = beavis butthead
public = no 


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