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Problems with unRaid 6.8.0 after VM install (Solved)

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I am having problems with disk errors after installing a WIN10 VM per SpaceinvaderOne's video tutorials. The VM became unresponsive so I force stopped it, at which point I began to get disk error messages. I don't want to attempt a reboot until I hear from someone regarding the best course of action. Diagnostics attached - thanks in advance


Edited by Steviewunda
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Thanks Johnnie - after a reboot, and parity check, everything seems fine. I ran the extended 'Fix common problems' which only found the 40 re-allocated sectors which appeared 6 months ago. I have attached the current diagnostics logs and would be very grateful if you could check them for errors. Should I re-enable the WIN10 VM and run the diagnostics again, as that is what was running when the problems appeared. Can you see anything about my setup that would cause the VM to be problematic?

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