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Docker container won't start after reboot until edited

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I have one docker container that will not start after a reboot. Every time, I have to go into the container, edit it, change something (anything) and hit Apply, then it starts and runs just fine.


It is the only container I have that does that, and I'm struggling to understand why. It isn't the end of the world, since a simple edit/apply fixes it until next reboot, but it is just weird.


The container in question is named "avahi". As you may guess, it runs the avahi mDNS reflector service.



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I thought it might be that....


If I remember correctly I created it on the console of the unraid server, than I added this to my container as a post argument:

"; docker network connect --ip br3 avahi"


I need the docker to talk to 2 networks (the whole point of the mDNS reflector), and couldn't figure out any other way to bind the container to 2 networks.

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3 minutes ago, JasonJoel said:

put the container last to buy more time, but I haven't tried increasing the delay. Duh... I'll try that next.

Remember that when adding a delay it needs to be added to the previous container as the delay is the length of time to wait after starting a container before attempting to start the next one.

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20 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Remember that when adding a delay it needs to be added to the previous container as the delay is the length of time to wait after starting a container before attempting to start the next one.

I did remember that but thank you for the reminder as that isn't very intuitive/obvious!

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