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unRAID cannot bring online after pinky went rogue.

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I just wet through a home network re-org where I split everything into multiple smaller /24 networks with VLANs instead of one massive /16.

I had unRAID online working properly after the migration, until I was looking at the unRAID networking settings and my pinky clicked save.. I have no idea what changed...

Symptoms:Devices on the same VLAN as my NAS (vlan/network 220) can ping the NAS. No devices (that I know of) on other vlans/networks can ping it. No VLAN changes happened between my pinky mishap. My switch does support bonding mode 802.3ad, and devices on vlan 220 can ping it with these settings. There is no link isolation, and my switch is a UniFi layer 2 switch. The VLAN settings on those ports on the UniFi switch are native-VLAN 220, with tagged VLAN of 221 (virtual servers that will live on this and other hosts). I've also tried with no bonding, so it's not the bonding issue.


unRAID can ping the gateway of its own subnet, but nothing outside it (including the internet), which totally makes me think it's a default gateway issue, but it's set correctly. Other devices on the same network can ping outside, so it has to be something with the NAS.

I set it to DHCP, and it receive an IP address on the correct network (.85 instead of .50) but the symptoms stayed the same - other clients can't ping/connect to it, unless they're on the same network. However there are other devices on the same 220 network that all clients can ping..


The only thing that changed between when it was working and when it wasn't were unraid settings..

Any ideas?



I also posted this to reddit in hope of getting a quick resolution, as quite a few Plex family members are now bored out of their minds: https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/ejkuaz/unraid_cannot_bring_online_after_pinky_went_rogue/



Edited by joshbgosh10592
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FINALLY GOT IT!!! There must have been something screwed up with the unRAID network.conf. I replaced it with the stock one from the installer zip, rebooted, reconfigured bond0 with the static IP (after testing with DHCP assigned) and it's FINALLY back up. NO freaking clue what my rogue pinky did, but something was weird with the network.conf.

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1 hour ago, ljm42 said:

rogue pinky?


Good solution to the problem. BTW, a reboot will automatically regenerate a default network.cfg file

Yea, I was scrolling through the network settings trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the extra NICs and as I was adjusting my hand, my pinky somehow hit save.


I rebooted that box at least 6 times since the issue started. There was something up with the config.

Thinking back, I believe there wasn't an entry for the default route at the very bottom. That would make perfect sense if that was the case, but I wonder why it wasn't generated by unRAID.. either way, I now have a backup copy of that file just in case.. lol

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Oh! pinky finger LOL Sorry I was trying to figure out what kind of technology you were referring to :) 


I meant if you delete the network.cfg and reboot, I'm pretty sure Unraid will regenerate a clean default one for you. But pulling from the install file is a good idea too.

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