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Rebuild lost Array..


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I used to have a 17 disk array and then the motherboard died taking out the USB flash drive and my backup of the config was dead too...


I have just rebuilt the server and assigned the drives in the order/assignments that they were in before the death of the motherboard etc. However I cannot remember the shares etc. 


I have not yet brought the array online as I am afraid that the parity check would destroy any chance of preserving my data. Will bringing the array online start a format on the drives? Will a parity check destroy the data?


How can I best try and rebuild the array whilst preserving the data?

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Don't assign parity and nothing will be written to any drive. Or assign parity and only parity will be written. Nothing will happen to your data (that hasn't already happened) unless you accidentally assign any data disk to any parity slot or agree to format anything.


You will automatically have all your user shares, but they will all have default settings. The user shares are simply the top level folders on all the disks and the user share names are those folder names. Whether or not you have created a user share, if a top level folder exists on cache or array it is a user share.

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12 minutes ago, trurl said:

Your question makes me wonder if you understand that Unraid IS NOT RAID. Parity has no data, and each data disk is an independent filesytem that can be read by itself on any linux.


I am aware that unraid is not raid (the name is s clue) but I am being ultra cautious here I really don't want to mess anything up and lose data that took years to accumulate because I "think" it will be ok.


I have a second empty server of comparible size (orig was about 30tb of data) and the old dead sserver with the data is reiserfs which needed updating.


Would I be best to just copy the data across rather that trying to rebuild the original server?


I could then format the older drives to the new FS and incorporate them into the new server.


If do any ideas on how best to do it? 

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Not entirely sure I understand what you propose. So there is a dead server, another live server, and a new server to be built?


You can mount ReiserFS disks with the Unassigned Devices plugin and copy their data to XFS array disks. I don't know if that answers your question or gives you some other ideas.

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2 hours ago, trurl said:

Not entirely sure I understand what you propose. So there is a dead server, another live server, and a new server to be built?


You can mount ReiserFS disks with the Unassigned Devices plugin and copy their data to XFS array disks. I don't know if that answers your question or gives you some other ideas.

I have a server that died but has lots of data on it that I by have just got going again and want to preserve the data.


I have also just built a new server of bigger capacity but fewer disks, I thought it may be an idea to transfer the data from the old server to the new.


Did not know about the unassigned devices plugin, that sounds interesting. Cheers I will look into that 

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