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Disk Directory and File Tree


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had a weird issue where i was resetting disk 8 was getting i/o errorrs so it was disabled. after fixing the cable, i was on the wiki and it said to remove the disk, start the array, then turn off the array and shut down to reinstall the disk so it could rebuild. when i did this, for some reason, disk 8 was unassigned and both parity disks got disabled now. could not start the array due to too many errors so i had to remove disk 8 losing all the data. and rebuilding a config. that drive was only for movies and tv shows. i have a media manager but i will have to title by title to see if its missing which is a pain but thats the only way i would be able to tell whats missing. if it wasnt for that, i would not know what none media files got lost.


so, i was wondering if there was or if someone could make a plugin that would create a file with a directory tree with all the filenames, extensions, size, and date, if possible. if not, just directory and filenames alone would be a life savor at least to know what got lost. i know i this shouldnt be needed but in the rare event that you do lose a disk, i think it would be nice to now exactly what was in the disk.

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i asked for help on like 3 unraid servers lol but the thing is that when it started to rebuild disk 8 it was already in the process of of rebuilding itself after doing the remove then reinsert which was working. more specificly, disk 8 was disabled but both parity disks was fine,  removed disk 3 while the system was off, started the system up, both parity disks where fine and disk 8 was unassigned or removed cant remember. started the array then turned the array off and shut down the system. inserted disk 8, started the system, assigned the disk, both parity disks where online. when i turned on the array and disk 8 was rebuilding, parity 1 and 2 started throwing nothing but errors. turned off the array and then both parity disks became disabled and disk 8 was unmountable. thats when i was on the wiki and had to remove disk 8 since it was already in the process of rebuildng but both parities was now down. followed the wiki to remove disk 8 and rebuild. now all is valid without any errors. 

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would data have been recoverable even if the array threw out errors during a reconstruction of the data disk? by that time it was already writing data on to that disk and since i saw a bunch of errors coming out of the parity disks i just canceled it and thought better fix both parity disks top priority. 

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We have certainly helped people recover data in similar situations. Without more information at this point it would be speculation but I would say probably.


From your description these were likely just connection issues as often happens when people open the case. The way you approached the problem from the beginning was not really correct. Shouldn't have been necessary to remove any disks at all.


I think you must have misinterpreted the wiki. It probably just said to unassign the disk, not physically remove it.

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thanks for the replies learned more. im new to unraid and was told parity was the priority and without it i could lose everything. im trying to find the articles but i believe it explained that by removing the drive it would think that its a replacement drive so it would reconstruct it. but i guess the way you explained it that by doing an unassigned then reassigning it was the proper way. i guess i just figured that since disk 8 was down then the parity disks, i figured that data was already corrupt on disk 8 and gave up hopes on that. also dont listen to youtube videos lol thought my unraid was doomed without those 2 parity disks. could start the server with them 2 down and disk 8 saying it was unmountable no filesystem or something like that. 

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Unmountable could have been due to problems trying to emulate the disk with errors on the other disks. Fixing the connections might have fixed the errors on the other disks and so made the emulated disk mountable again, and thus the rebuild would have been mountable when it completed. In any case, even unmountable can often be repaired to recover most if not all data. So even if it was still unmountable after a successful rebuild there were still ways to fix it.


From your description I think your situation wasn't really that bad until you proceeded to make it worse. Next time come here and ask for help.

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