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What happens to docker core pin if migrating new server with fewer cores?

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5 hours ago, testdasi said:

Do I need to manually change all the docker pin to core 1 first before I can migrate to a new server, if the new server has fewer cores than my current one?


What will happen if I just migrate to the new server that let's say has 12 cores and my docker has core 15 pinned to it?

In my experience the docker will fail to start with an error message about being unable to assign the cores it is configured to use.

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Update in case someone stumbles on this topic.

  • The dockers will error out.
  • The fix is to go to Settings -> Cpu pinning and repin the cores.
    • If you cores are outside of the range (e.g. you pinned core 15 to the docker but server now only has 12 cores), just clicking Apply will still update the docker even though you don't make any change.
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