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Transmission share?


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For those who use transmission or or torrent app how are you setting up your share? Are you using a separate folder for the torrents and then another one for movies or one file for both and allowing your library software pic the movie out of the torrent file. If everything is in the movie file, are there any issues if you are watching a blue ray stream and seeding at the same time?


Thank you

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I run transmission on the unRAID server, but I do not have it save directly to the array. I use a directory that will not be moved by the mover script (/mnt/cache/.downloads/).


I do some manual post-processing of the items, such as removing extraneous files if need be or converting container types.

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So with transmission running on unraid you don't have to worry about your ratio of dl/ul.


The Peer-to-Peer communities still tend to require appropriate ul/dl ratios. Even with Transmission on unRAID you still need to meet those obligations.


With usenet (Sabnzbd) you have no need to upload at all.

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My movies share existed before I switched over to XBMC as a front-end, so it's a bit more subdivided than it needs to be, but better to be more organized than less. It's still helpful to me when looking to see which movies I need to rerip or replace with better quality BluRay versions. I subdivide into quality and then again by movie title.


Directories used for example:








Movies/480p/Monsters vs Aliens (2009)/

Movies/720p/2012 (2009)/

Movies/1080p/The Usual Suspects (1994)/

Movies/1080p/Iron Man (2008)/

Movies/1080p/Iron Man 2 (2010)/



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