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Unraid Gui Died?

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So i was going and the unraid server because unresponsive with all dockers and VM's. i could ping the server with no issues. When I tried to go to the ip address in browser to view unraid GUI it would not load. I know its not network. Since I have rebooted and unsure if its too late to grab the log files for this? Only happened once.


Running 6.8.0 rc7 Running rc7 because it supports 9th gen IGPU.

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Very hard to say.  About the only thing I can suggest is that if this becomes a recurring issue to enable the mirror to flash drive of the syslog feature.


If it's just a one-off then I wouldn't right now do anything, as mirroring will cause problems if used for very extended periods of time (unless dynamix chose to grab diagnotics from when you rebooted (logs folder on the flash drive)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so unraid kind of crashed, bits and pieces werent working like my VM , shut that down, could turn off VM's in settings, couldnt load dockers ETC. in the end gui failed and could only putty. i then hard reset server.


I did notice go.d.plugin with very high cpu. any ideas?


I think what happened was something on my vm crashed causing CPU spike causing everything to spike and crash. not sure if this is right. 

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