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[Solved] Docker containers won't update

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Before anyone yells at me that this isn't the Docker support forum...

I've got CA configured to automatically update all dockers and plugins daily. On one of my servers, I've got 3 docker containers that won't update. I'm running these 3 dockers on both of my servers and they've updated just fine on the other server so I know the issue isn't with the dockers themselves. Since there is no "general" Docker support thread, and no way to post a general question in the docker support forum, it's gotta go here...


When I attempt to update them by hand, they all give me:


Configuration not found. Was this container created using this plugin?

The only thing I install by hand is the CA plugin itself. After that, everything is installed via CA, so the answer to that question is an unequivocal "YES"!


Attached diagnostics for the server in error, along with a screen shot of the 3 dockers that won't update.



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Certainly not intentionally but there are no files there at all. Which, I suppose means that the other dockers will fail to update when an update is pushed out for them.

When I click the icon in Docker  view, I do not get "Edit" as a menu option - just "Update", "Start" and "Remove". I was thinking that I could go into "Edit" make a change, unmake the change, then hit "Apply" to get it to recreate the config files for me...


Is the fix to uninstall & reinstall? I would think that, since there are no XML files there, that I'll have to reconfigure everything by hand?

Wait! I do have CA-Backup running... No, no I don't. :(


Considers foot thoroughly shot...

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7 minutes ago, Squid said:

Even an old backup of the flashdrive would probably be close in that folder...


Ah! I do have a flash drive backup from when late Jan when I was having issues with this server.


Simply copy the .../config/plugins/* files from the backup to the flash drive on the server and run the updates?


Wow... looking at the backup, I just realized that all the configs for all my plugins are missing, too, not just the dockers.


No, that's wrong - the plugin configs are there, just the Dockers are missing. :( Maybe I should put this off until after lunch to be sure I'm focused and can get it right the first time...

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Further update, @Squid:


A) I misread the path in your original post. I stopped looking at ../config/plugins when I didn't see a directory for each of the dockers.

  1) After rereading, I see that I'm supposed to continue on to ../dockerMan/templates_user

B) Browsing to that directory from Windows, there are no files there at all, so I attempted to copy from my late-Jan flash backup.

  1) Windows asked if I wanted to overwrite the files.

  2) Not seeing any in Windows, I opened a shell to the server and changed to the directory.

  3) I see 0-byte XML files for each of the 5 dockers, each with perms of 600


Obviously, the 0-byte files are not very helpful. Are the 600 permissions correct? If so, I'll restore my backups and chmod the perms to ensure they're correct. If that's not correct, what should they be?

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