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Exact same write and read speeds when transferring Sata -> Array

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Fairly new to unraid and I might be missing something obvious but when I transfer from an unassigned disk the to array I get the exact same write/read activity on the destination disk of the array? That and the speeds are very slow (10~20 MB/s)


I mount the HDD using "Unassigned Device" and run the following command from the console:

rsync -zvh --progress /mnt/disks/Download/file1.zip /mnt/user/Backup/file1.zip

and I get around 10~20 mbps but weirdly the GUI Main page shows the exact same read and write speeds for the destination disk? (cache is not enabled for that share)


Speed fluctuates but is always the exact same read and write on the same disk (see screenshot). Same when I try the "cp" command.


Not sure if that is expected behavior or an indication as to why I'm getting very slow transfer speeds?




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Ah yes, that's my bad, I rewrote the command for clarity's sake and got the destination share wrong. 

I'm actually copying the data to TVShows (which has no cache), corrected version:


rsync -zvh --progress /mnt/disks/Download/file1.zip /mnt/user/TVShows/file1.zip


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Quick update, when I use the cache drive, and then use the mover, speeds are a bit better.


What I still don't understand is why every time I write something to the array, the disk shows the equal in read speeds? (with no other activity than writing to the array)

Is there some verification mechanism that reads the data as it's writing it?

I can't tell if this is expected behavior or not



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