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Drive died now only half of my data is showing. All data on the bad drive is not showing?

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My 8TB WD Red drive died and half of my data is not showing.  I thought the parity drive would allow all me to access all my data.  Also it would not allow me to write to the share anymore until I rebooted.  I shutdown the system and hooked the drive up to a windows PC via USB.  I installed xfs linux drives and was not able to see any data.  In unRaid it has a red X next to the drive but also shows at the bottom  'Unmountable disk present disk 2' and gives me the option to format.  I am hoping when I get a new 8TB drive tomorrow it will rebuild everything back.  I thought this was supposed to work like Raid 5 in the sense of a failure you still can work and have all your data?  Anyone have any ideas about this why it isn't showing me all the data that was on the bad drive?



Edited by ViSioN
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21 minutes ago, ViSioN said:

gives me the option to format. 



21 minutes ago, ViSioN said:

I thought this was supposed to work like Raid 5 in the sense of a failure you still can work and have all your data?

It 100% does.  However, you have to remember that actual drive failures are extremely rare and the most common cause of "failures" is that the drive dropped offline (usually due to cabling issues).  Now, if we assume that something else happened like hard reboot and this happened in the middle of a write operation, then it is possible for the information that is contained within parity (or the other drives) is out of sync and resulting in the Unmountable Disk 2.  I'd actually take a wild guess that the Unmountable Disk 2 came up while the original drive was still present in the system.


You need to post your diagnostics.

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