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Upgraded Mobo, CPU, and RAM. Everything seems slow now and shared users are saying plex takes forever to buffer. Also settings are. It being saved for Sonarr/Radarr

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My UNRAID journey started 2 weeks ago. I got everything setup and all my data slowly transferred over. My new parts finally came yesterday and I was excited to install them.

I have a ROG Strix 370-E

an 8700K CPU and Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 32GB (16x2).

Ever since I got the HW switched over things have seemed weird.

At first i thought it was because my docker utilization was a 91%, but I got that fixed and added a TON (1500GB) of space. I think SABnzbd was taking up space with my 1TB+ dl queue.

That fixed that.

Still having issues. For one thing I can't seem to reliably log into plex. From the docker I click open webui and it asks me to login EVERY time. Then it tries to load plex but sometimes says it failed and asks me to login again. When it does load it seems like its slow.


The other thing that happened was I set a static IP address on my router for the server. Then I restarted and had to change the IP address of Sabnzbd in sonarr and radarr. It saved and was working just fine. The next time I restarted the settings were back to the original and I had to edit them again. Is that because mover had to move them to the appdata on the array? It shouldn't be right?


I have noticed on both my old and my new CPU that my CPU utilization always seems high. My temp is fine, like 34C. But its at like 50-70% utilization with no active streamers or any transcoding. The only thing running currently is mover, moving files from the cache drive to the array.


The dockers I have currently are binhex-plex, binhex-sonarr, binhex-radarr, binhex-sabnzbd, tautulli.


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1 minute ago, m0larmechanic said:

At first i thought it was because my docker utilization was a 91%, but I got that fixed and added a TON (1500GB) of space. I think SABnzbd was taking up space with my 1TB+ dl queue.

The usual (and recommended solution) is to NOT have any downloads from SAB be stored within the docker.img file.  1.5TB is WAY overkill, and for the vast majority of people, 20GB is more than sufficient.  A few entries in the Docker FAQ about the image becoming full


Might not be a bad idea to post your diagnostics

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It appears that you've got a poor connection to one or more of the drives attached to your HBA.  Reseat power / sata to the drives (they keep resetting).


Also, disable Mover Logging within Settings - Scheduler - Mover.  It serves no real function unless you've got issues.


And, not sure (or at least not what I would do) why you have your downloads share set to user cache:yes.  Slows everything down as it'll keep moving from the cache drive to the array, and IMO is pointless.  Set it to Use cache: prefer so that it'll tend to stay on the cache drive, and only use the array for an overflow.

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