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UnMenu question r.e. UPS control


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When UnMenu is installed, by default it does not automatically run on a reboot.    I presume you simply have to add a "/boot/unmenu/uu" line to the Go script to change that ... but my question is whether that's necessary or not.


The ONLY reason I installed UnMenu is to run the UPS control script [i installed the apcupsd-3.14.3 and the powerdown-1.02 packages, both with auto reinstall on reboot).    Am I correct in assuming these will be automatically installed whenever UnRAID is rebooted -- and will work as designed whether or not UnMenu is running?


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As I noted above, I set the packages to reinstall on reboot ... which added the line to do this to the Go script.

[i.e. "cd /boot/packages && find . -name '*.auto_install' -type f -print | sort | xargs -n1 sh -c"]


... my question is whether there are any dependencies in these packages which require that UnMenu be running.


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The reason I asked you to examine your "go" script was so you could verify if it was properly modified. I thought typically upon installation unMenu will set itself to auto-run. Since you indicated it wasn't, I wanted to be sure it was able to modify the go script when you installed those 2 addons.


That line will reinstall any and all packages in /boot/packages directory ending with .auto_install. If you have those two packages in that directory and named appropriately they will be installed after reboot when the system starts up.


They should not have dependencies on unMenu running. They should be stand-alone packages. They were standalone packages when I used them ages ago, and I think they would still be standalone packages now.


I do not know of any packages that have a dependency on unMenu unless it is an unMenu addon, but then again I don't make use of unMenu so things could have changed.



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on I installed UnMenu is to run the UPS control script [i installed the apcupsd-3.14.3 and the powerdown-1.02 packages, both with auto reinstall on reboot).     Am I correct in assuming these will be automatically installed whenever UnRAID is rebooted -- and will work as designed whether or not UnMenu is running?

Correct.  When you request that  any package be auto-installed on reboot, unMENU adds a line to the end of your "go" script to perform that task.


That line will invoke all the scripts ending in ".auto_install" in the /boot/packages directory. 

(Those "package-name.auto_install" scripts will exist for all the packages you elected to re-install on re-boot)


There is no need for unMENU itself to be running when you reboot for those packages to be reinstalled.  in fact, on my personal server I manually added a file named


and in it put



This starts my unMENU server without me having a line in the "go" script.  (I could have done it that way, but I have several other small tasks I run on start-up I do not have unMENU packages for... but I do have .auto_install files I manually created for them.


For a few unMENU packages there are dependencies... the apcupsd package depends on the "powerdown" package to cleanly stop the server.  You should have them both marked for re-install on re-boot.  The apcupsd package can use "mail" and "ssmtp" to send status messages via e-mail, but will work fine without mail being installed and configured.


Joe L.

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As I noted above, I set the packages to reinstall on reboot ... which added the line to do this to the Go script.

[i.e. "cd /boot/packages && find . -name '*.auto_install' -type f -print | sort | xargs -n1 sh -c"]


... my question is whether there are any dependencies in these packages which require that UnMenu be running.


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Thanks Joe.  I assumed as much, but just wanted to be sure.


By the way, the new single-file version of UnMenu is SLICK.    VERY simple to install & works very nice.    I sent you a note on another forum (avs) when I first downloaded it and was having a major "blank" moment -- but when I re-read the posts here it was clear just how simple it all is.    A really SLICK piece of work.


Is there ANY performance/reliability impact on UnRAID if UnMenu is running all the time?    I assume not -- my test server's current "uptime" is over 140 days, so it must not be "hurting" anything  :)

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Thanks Joe.   I assumed as much, but just wanted to be sure.


By the way, the new single-file version of UnMenu is SLICK.    VERY simple to install & works very nice.    I sent you a note on another forum (avs) when I first downloaded it and was having a major "blank" moment -- but when I re-read the posts here it was clear just how simple it all is.    A really SLICK piece of work.


Is there ANY performance/reliability impact on UnRAID if UnMenu is running all the time?    I assume not -- my test server's current "uptime" is over 140 days, so it must not be "hurting" anything  :)

Wait until you get to try all the new features that have been added over the years.   It has been a collaborative effort. I've had lots of help, and lots of suggestions for how it might be improved.   The new "Check for Updates" button in the "User Scripts" page make it easy to stay current.  


I'm really happy how people have contributed.   bjp999, RobJ, and BubbaQ especially.


You would almost never guess it is all being handled by a collection of scripts,mostly written in "awk"


Good luck with your server.  There is no issue with running unMENU all the time.   I'm envious of your uptime.  I upgrade too frequently, and run my older server out of memory too frequently by trying things.  (see the hint below)


Joe L.

Hint... do not try to run mySQL in combination with much anything else (especially AirVideo server, and Java, and ffmpeg) if you only have 512 Meg of RAM.  It don't all fit.  >:(  Last time I crashed it was in trying to see if wireshark needed additional libraries ... on behalf of a member.  )

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Hint... do not try to run mySQL in combination with much anything else (especially AirVideo server, and Java, and ffmpeg) if you only have 512 Meg of RAM.  It don't all fit.  >:(  Last time I crashed it was in trying to see of wireshark needed additional libraries ... on behalf of a member.  )


Hehe, I take responsibility for the Airvideo snafu.  I nearly killed my own test server making that package.

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I thought this sounded like a slick way to start UnMenu without any Go mods ...


"I manually added a file named /boot/packages/unmenu.auto_install and in it put ./uu"


... so I created a file named "unmenu.auto_install" with the single line "./uu"  and copied it to the packages folder on the flash drive.


Didn't work => with a monitor hooked to the server I can watch the attempt to load it, and it gives a "no such command" error for that script.   


Since the other scripts are all of the form "xxx.tgz.auto_install"  I thought perhaps the name simply needed to be "unmenu.tgz.auto_install"  -- but this also didn't work.    Then I tried adding the line "cd /boot/unmenu" ahead of the ./uu line ==> still no joy.


What am I doing wrong??  [i could, of course, simply add the UU command to the GO script ... but your way sounds "slicker", so it'd be nice to get that to work.]




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I thought this sounded like a slick way to start UnMenu without any Go mods ...


"I manually added a file named /boot/packages/unmenu.auto_install and in it put ./uu"


... so I created a file named "unmenu.auto_install" with the single line "./uu"  and copied it to the packages folder on the flash drive.


Didn't work => with a monitor hooked to the server I can watch the attempt to load it, and it gives a "no such command" error for that script.    


Since the other scripts are all of the form "xxx.tgz.auto_install"  I thought perhaps the name simply needed to be "unmenu.tgz.auto_install"  -- but this also didn't work.     Then I tried adding the line "cd /boot/unmenu" ahead of the ./uu line ==> still no joy.


What am I doing wrong??   [i could, of course, simply add the UU command to the GO script ... but your way sounds "slicker", so it'd be nice to get that to work.]

My mistake.  (please forgive me)


My unmenu.auto_install has two lines not one.  They are:


cd /boot/unmenu



The "uu" command is not in the /boot/packages directory so we need to change directory first to where it does reside.


Oh yes, you probably know, but the file must not contain ms-dos style carriage returns at the ends of the lines either.

See here in the wiki for an example of how to remove them if present:



Joe L.

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r.e. "...  I'm envious of your uptime. "    ==> Well RATS !!  In the process of building this new server I did some stress testing (copying a BIG folder with thousands of files to the new server), and encountered a problem I had seen last year that I fixed with one of your suggestions on another thread [added "ulimit - n 20000" to ident.cfg].      It fixed it perfectly (again).    HOWEVER ... in looking at my server it seems that line has "disappeared" from ident.cfg somewhere along the way !!    I suspect it was when I last added a couple of drives -- UnRAID must have regenerated ident.cfg and I lost that extra line (Does this seem right?).    In any event, the line was gone -- which means my server has the same problem.    It's been 140 days since I added those drives -- so clearly this isn't an issue I encounter often (since I mainly am only copying a few large media files)  ==> but it means I have to REBOOT my server ... & start over on the "uptime" count  :) :)

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