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[Resolved] Missing shares. Unable to create new shares (NOT missing data)

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I'm unsure when this started as I don't access my shares all that often. I noticed none of my SMB shares are listed that are part of the array. I have an unassigned device and the flash disk shares, but any share created from the array are missing. The UI shows no shares and creating a share doesn't work.



I have a seperate linux box that uses nfs to access shares on unraid. These are not working either. From what I can see when looking at /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf, the only entry is [flash]. I enabled disk shares under settings>Global Share Settings and saw a entries in smb-shares.conf for each disk. This tells me that some portion of SMB is working. I've been able to create a custom share in /boot/config/smb-extra.conf that shares out /mnt/user/Media (a share I've had in the system for years) and it also works. I've played with /etc/exports for NFS shares and that seems to be partially working (I believe my settings are wrong which is why I can't get it to mount properly).


I'm currently using the Nvidia patched version of 6.8.3. I tried changing to the Limetech 6.8.3 as well as downgrading to 6.8.2. I've installed a new USB stick with a new copy of 6.8.3 (not Nvidia patched) and am unable to see any of my shares and I'm unable to create new shares. I even downgraded to 6.8.2 (not Nvidia patched) with same results.


There have been a few times when I tried to create a new share and received a text after pressing submit that said "test share deleted" as if I wanted to remove it from Unraid.


I'm convinced its something wrong with my filesystem or how Unraid reads my disks as I've tried a new install of unraid using the same disks and shares were not created. I've included a couple of different diagnostics files in hopes that somebody can point out what my issue is.


The last plugin I was playing with was the dynamics file integrity plugin. I looked at it a little more and found that it writes an extended attribute with the hash value into the file. I'm not sure if this effects how unraid operates. 


Any ideas?

hades-diagnostics-20200413-1200.zip hades-diagnostics-20200413-0915.zip

Edited by zepheris
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16 minutes ago, trurl said:

Thanks @trurl

The user folder had incorrect permissions, exactly how it was depicted in the posts you linked. I'm not sure how that happened. 


Thanks again!

Edited by zepheris
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