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Slow Transfer speeds to unraid server


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Got my server up and running.  Array is running and parity drive has completed parity sync.  I went to go and start pulling all my data off my old nas to unraid server and speeds showed as low as under 1mb/sec.  My network is setup as 1 gig network.  My connection shows up on unraid as 1000mbps, full duplex, mtu 1500.  Does anyone have any ideas what to look for and why my speeds aren't around 100mb/sec transfer like it should?

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So i just tried 2 different scenarios.  One was with folder of photos and that was what caused slow transfer speeds.  When i tried transferring video files then that is where i started to see my 113 mb/sec transfer speed.  Now this only lasted for so long then it dropped down to about 40-50 mb/sec.  Could this be because i dont have my cache drive installed into server yet?  I received it yesterday and was planning on installing it this weekend.  Would it be a better idea to wait until cache drive is installed before i try to bring over all my data?

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21 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

That's about right writing to the array with default write mode, you can speed that up with a cache device or by enabling turbo write.

im installing my cache drive this weekend.  when i set up the shares i set the folder to cache preferred.  is that ok or should i change it to yes once the cache is installed?

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9 minutes ago, Squid said:

Normal because with any OS transferring tons of small files, the overhead starts to become noticeable.  

Ok.  I wasn't sure i only ran for about a minute and the folder was probably close to 100gb worth of pictures.  Guess i should've waited before cancelling the transfer.  

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4 minutes ago, chris111486 said:

im installing my cache drive this weekend.  when i set up the shares i set the folder to cache preferred.  is that ok or should i change it to yes once the cache is installed?

Depends on what you prefer, you can see the differences by enabling the GUI help.

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