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Confirming Proper Cache Pool Configuration

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New to this, looking for a little confirmation - On hand I have 2 x 10Tb, 2 x 500Gb SSD & 2 x 256Gb SSD.


I’ve setup the 2 x 256Gb drives in a RAID1 cache pool. But, realizing now I may want to setup all 4 SSDs as a RAID10 cache pool. Sounds like I would be losing 500Gb by doing so, but gaining in performance, though RAID10 may still have some performance issues to be worked out. RAID5 doesn’t seem like a good idea with Brtfs at the moment, but please correct me if I’m wrong.


The cache pool would be for VMs, docker, and media scratch. Looks like I could upgrade the 2 x 256Gb SSDs down the line without wiping the cache pool? Is there a better approach?


Thank you!

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Thank you, I may stick with the RAID10 cache pool approach. My problem is that I put those 2 x 500GB SSDs in my array, and now they've got data on them. Looks like moving that data around (onto that 10TB HDD in my array) is going to be a little tricky. Any recommendation there would be greatly appreciated.

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