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(Solved) (6.8.3) All dockers and appdata folders gone after adding new cache drive and restarting array

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I just restarted my array and now all of my dockers are gone, as well as my appdata folders (well, most of them. Some were left behind in a broken state).


I'm running Unraid 6.8.3 with the community applications plugin. I also installed the user scripts and unassigned devices plugins, but have not used them yet. I have a one parity drive, two data drives, and two cache drives.


Leading up to this, my flash drive died on me after several months of unraid working flawlessly. Unfortunately I had no idea where I put my backup and have doubts that I even made one despite thinking so. No big deal, I took note of my array setup and installed unraid on a new drive, set everything up exactly as before (minus my second cache drive because no matter how many times I changed the array slot count or restarted unraid, I could never select more than 1 cache slot), ran a parity check overnight with 0 errors, and began reconfiguring my shares and plugins today. I was extremely happy to see that all of my dockers were intact and had even started automatically.


I was able to log into my unifi controller and make some changes to my network that I had been unable to make while my server was dead. Then I noticed that I could finally select more than one cache drive in the Main tab, so I added my second unassigned cache drive and restarted my array. Then I noticed I could no longer access my unifi controller, and that my Docker tab was completely empty. I checked my appdata folders and at first glance they seemed fine, so I reinstalled the unifi controller and started it again. It didn't work and was unable to access its database. Same thing with nginx proxy manager. So now I'm panicking a bit. Reinstalling and running the dockers overwrote what little appdata still existed, and I have no idea why some half-broken appdata folders remained while others completely disappeared.


At this point my array is stopped and I'm not starting it again until I know I'm not going to randomly lose even more important data than what was already lost. I feel like an idiot for not having more recent backups, and really hate the idea of losing my network configuration due to this. I share a network with some family members and have vlans set up which will be a nightmare to reconfigure, but not impossible. I was going to use this whole flash drive debacle as motivation to finally finish setting up proper scheduled backups so this really stings.


Is there any remote possibility whatsoever that I can get my appdata folders back? Did adding the second cache drive do something weird? Why was everything working perfectly until I restarted my array?


Any sort of insight would be hugely appreciated. Even if I can't get my data back I'd like to at least know if I can even trust this system at this point.


I've attached a diagnostics zip from shortly after I stopped my array. I haven't rebooted since yesterday before the parity check.


Edited by covertneko
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